At work a few months ago I took a phone call from a client asking to speak to my boss who was, alas, on a conference call and couldn't be interrupted. This particular client was not happy to hear that he’d have to wait 45 minutes to speak to the boss man. With some cheer in his voice he asked if I were the “messenger” and when I replied in the affirmative he chuckled and said “Well, I kill the messenger.” He went on to ask what I looked like. Startled, I begged his pardon only to hear him respond “How big are your titties?” After another "excuse me, sir, what did you say?" he chuckled and said "I only asked how big they are, I didn't ask to see 'em." He continued "Are they big?" at which point I decided I'd had more than enough and told him in my German ancestor voice (clipped, pointed with a strongly disapproving tone) that I did not appreciate his comments and that I would have my boss return his call as soon as possible. Undeterred, this man then told me I was being overly sensitive and that I needed to get laid (a favorite charge of misogynists applied to women when we dare assert ourselves). Really getting my German on now, I told him he was rude and then I hung up on him.
Clearly it need not be stated that there are no situations in which it is okay to ask a woman "how big are your titties?" unless you are starring in a porn film playing a priest hearing confession.